
The uncertain path forward from COVID-19’s disruption of “business as usual” will, for Shiva Shiva Dham Trust, be implemented through Jibati’s agro-ecologically and spiritually-based farming, and spiritually-informed and market-guided outreach to other farms and related enterprises, communities, and individuals to develop a self-sustaining collaborative regenerative and certified organic produce network. Jibati follows and leads with a blend of eco-spiritual- scientific- and conservation-informed perspectives, especially regarding natural, including human, ecological assets. (Such ecological assets are often called natural resources but without humanity explicitly considered among nature’s resources/assets.) The farm will help produce, demonstrate and support technology to reduce humanity’s carbon footprint while increasing the nutritional density of its food by hiring, growing, sharing, and eating locally grown and prepared foods, and sharing insight and products to help humanity smooth its dance with Mother Earth and Father Sun. This unique perspective clearly embeds quality produce and product, well-caredfor gardens, natural friendliness and hospitality, and locally relevant eco spirituality-guided self-transformation of Humanity’s, currently excessive, subset of Earth’s tropic processes.

JFO and Jibati Farms Universe are offered to meet the authentic needs of all people who share similar views and are concerned about what, when, and how to eat and care for today and future generations. The farm and Her parents offer alternatives — grounded in attending to symbiosis among eco-spiritual vitality, human satisfaction, and nutrition density — to farming for cash flow. The purpose of this business plan is to provide a blueprint for near term and long term goals. The business plan will be utilized as a tool to gauge how the farm and its implementers are doing along the way compared to their initial goals. A business plan is also a tool for lenders, explaining the need for initial financing, and sources and uses of funds including capitalization and debt repayment capabilities.