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सफा चूर्ण  Safa Churna



सफा चूर्ण  (Safa Churna) –(Code-T)

उपयोग (Uses): मोटोपन, कब्जियत, अर्श, गोटापर्ने (Obesity, constipation, disorders of fat metabolism and bowl clearance, augment fat metabolism and avoid unhealthy diets, carbohydrates and sugar, and excessive meat intake, use warm water for drinking and include lemon in diet and drinks, try to stay in plant-based and unprocessed food)

द्रब्यहरु (Ingredients): सनाय, सानी हर्रो, हर्रो, बर्रो, अमला, लवणवर्ग इत्यादि (Emblic Myrobalan, Terminalia Chebula, Beleric Myrobalan, various rock salts and etc)

मात्रा (Dosages): खाएको २ घण्टा पछि १-१.५ चम्चा सेवन गर्ने (Take after 2 hours of meal 1-1.5 teaspoon)

द्रब्यस्ट (Note): २५० ग्राम (250gm); मूल्य (Price): रु.५00 (NPR 500.00)

Weight 200 kg


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