Mission and Vision

Mission statement

Jibati’s mission is to raise ecospiritually grounded quality products and awareness by marketing its products and advice to local and global communities. It will use, and advocate for, only agrochemical free natural, sustainable, and ecospiritually informed farming methods.  Such natural farming methods and foods leave a smaller, especially regarding carbon and other toxicity, footprint while simultaneously improving the physical and eco-spiritual well-being and understanding/practice of their members/customers and local/global communities.

Guiding principles

Jibati slogan is simple: “Healthy Food Healthy Mind”. The promoters also believe in contributing to their community and the planet by the following.


Jibati believes that viable soil, water, and vegetation flow from careful reliance on local resources.  Buying from local farmers supports, and with sales of some products and advice becomes a significant contributor to, the local economy.

2. Sustainable and spiritual living
Reliance on local sources of energy, insight, and soil amendments supports human, ecosystem, and spiritual well-being. Jibati will emphasize the use of local resources and energy sources in all of its activities.

3. Satisfied Members

Content members ensure repeat business and their referrals grow the business.


Jibati’s objectives are simple: to provide and help others provide healthy and natural tasting farm produce while minimizing carbon footprint and supporting the community and individual eco-spiritual well-being and understanding/practice.