Our Approach

From its inception, during Rimal’s early 2010s’ food-security-focused field research, when Nepali farmers, devastated by the consequences of global corporate-driven “Green Revolution” “technology,” asked him “Can you help us?” what grew into Jibati has aspired to start a demonstration farm. This evolving process has finally identified a geographically and eco-systemically favorable location where Jibati Farm One is now moving to establish itself on 1.5 Hectare of land. This will lead to engagement with three different local-to-global activities.
- Tradition-informed farming (producing lentils, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and milk and manure) where citrus evolved over millions of years in the Himalayan foothills.
- Spice, ghee, oil, cheese, and incense processing, packaging, branding, and marketing. Such items are culturally significant rooted in nature and spirituality.
- Education, outreach, and consulting at any level support co-visionary eco-panspiritual- lifestyle- learning- earning- farming- eating-based community enhancement agendas.
- Ecosystemically informed traditional knowledge and related panspirituality-grounded integrated farming has been the norm wherever farming “grew”. Unfortunately, many “successful” examples morphed toward or were usurped by feudal, empire-oriented, or today’s too-often-similar, but often even more rapacious, corporate, interests. In the spirit of Rimal’s food-security-oriented research participants’ “Can you help us?” plea, JFO offers assistance in seeking/developing alternatives to dilemmas unleashed by “modern” society. These dilemmas extend to and specifically include, as not-really ecosystemically grounded spiritualities, all narrowly culturally, ethnically, spiritually, universalist, or otherwise fundamentalist, restrictive or ideological “interests” including, especially, “modernity’s” market fundamentalism.
- Ecosystem and related panspirituality grounded “community development” support at all levels from individual agency or career development to global transformation.
- Coaching of eco-spiritual-system and culture-grounded learning and earning at all levels from modest informal entrepreneurial development to informal support/coaching of serious community-supportive business and/or academic study and documentation at all, but especially informal post-graduate, levels.
- Especially for visionary agendas, has become very successful and appears to be growing rapidly in many cultural settings. As soon as JFO starts to provide evidence of its viability such funding will be sought by Jibati Farm(s) Universe to support replication anywhere in response to serious community invitation. It is expected that in 5 to 10 or so years this agenda will become a dominant activity and income source to support locally appropriate replication of JFO-like farms.