Our Timeline
Shiva Shiva Dham Trust’s initial ecosystem/spiritually guided and financed project’s Healthy Food Healthy Mind” slogan informs its next step–an ecospiritually informed small scale regenerative farming demonstration and support center called Jibati Farm One (JFO). Jibati predecessor operated informally for the past 10 years by collecting, processing, packaging, and distributing, first rock salt, and gradually adding spices, natural food supplements, cow ghee and cheese, unpasteurized honey, and local incense among the Trust’s Spiritual Center’s members. When JFO is adequately established the Trust envisions sponsoring an ecosystemically and (no-particular-)spiritually-oriented mothering entity, Jibati Farm(s) Universe, to respond to requests from anywhere, but initially primarily from Nepali and other South or East Asian locations, to help communities with whatever ecosystem-informed (pan)spiritual orientation(s) move toward JFO-like aspirations.