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पूर्ण जीरा मसला Enhanced Jira Masala


मिश्रण (Ingredients): जीरा, धनिया, खुर्सानी, सुठो, मेथी, ज्वानो, तेजपात, मरिच, ल्वांग, दालचिनी अलैंची, जायफल, तोरी (Cumin, Coriander, Red Pepper, सूठो Dry Ginger, Fenugreek, Ajwain, Bay leaf, Black Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Black, Cardamom, Nutmeg, and Mustard)

प्रयोग गर्ने तरिका (Preparation): पहिला मसला तेलमा बेसार हालेर सामान्य भुट्ने, स्वाद र बास्नाको लागि चाहिएमा लसुन र प्याज पनि संगै भुट्ने अनि तरकारी वैरने (Fry the Enhanced Jira Masala without burning in oil with turmeric. You may add   needed garlic, onion and curry leaf for your flavor and taste.) The Enhanced Jira Masala is prepared after 5 years of trial with more than 100 families to assure quality for culturally accepted taste buds to contribute to the nutrient density in daily intake.

Net Wt. 150gm

Price: NPR 120

Weight 1 kg


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